Francois Chevalier
It all begins with an idea. François Chevalier returns to his favourite theme, the one that has always obsessed him: insects. Here he is again in his universe of the tiny which carries all the existential fixations of the artist since his beginnings.
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François Chevalier’s subjects are no longer the winged young ladies whose delicacy and transparency make one dream. Ants are sterile and wingless. Only the queen has wings for the time to found the colony and lay her eggs which will become so many little soldiers armed for the incessant work. The social body is the thinking entity. Each individual lives and dies, however, after having given everything to this social body. You will become dust again… It is in the order of things that Chevalier works them on the body, after having dreamed of lightness and transparency: Ants represent the true nature of our condition.
Holder of a bachelor's degree in visual arts from Laval University, François Chevalier lives and works in Quebec. Draftsman, engraver, painter, his approach has for the past ten years favoured the production of monotypes and the representation of insects. He has made several creative stays in situation, notably at the Baie Saint-Paul Symposium in 1999. He also received the 2001 Videre-Reconnaissance prize, awarded by the City of Quebec as part of the Awards for Excellence in the Arts and culture.
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